Jeff Gray

Jeff Gray Portrait
912 F Street, NW, Suite 707
Washington, DC 20004
Tel: +1 202 851 4161
Cell: +1 202 997 8646


  • Ph.D., Economics, University of Pennsylvania
  • B.A., Economics, with honors, University of California Santa Cruz

Professional Affiliations

  • American Economic Association
  • American Finance Association
  • American Statistical Association

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Jeff has 25 years of experience in economic and statistical consulting, survey design, sampling methodologies, and complex database analytics. He is a founder and President of Analytics Research Group, LLC and is an authority on economic markets, statistical methods, and economic damages. His research has been published in some of the top peer-reviewed journals in the economics profession including The American Economic Review and the Journal of Human Resources. Jeff has presented his findings before a variety of seminars at universities, meetings of professional societies and conferences on specialized topics in the United States and abroad. Jeff has received recognition and financial support to pursue his research from the U.S. Department of Labor, the U.S. Department of Agriculture, and the Research Board of the University of Illinois.

Jeff has conducted studies for corporations, government agencies and law firms on a variety of economic and statistical issues, focusing on the evaluation of economic damages in large business disputes, consumer class actions and antitrust litigation. He has overseen econometric modelling projects to provide clients with operational and strategy insights into enormous amounts of company data. For clients involved in legal disputes or government investigations, Jeff has served as a testifying expert to address class certification, liability and/or damages issues. He has investigated the definition of markets and assessed the extent of competition in a range of industries. Jeff has provided written or oral expert testimony in state, federal, and international courts and presented analytical findings before the Securities and Exchange Commission, the Library of Congress, the Texas Commissioner of Insurance, the Government of Singapore, and the New York and Massachusetts State Offices of Attorney General.

In addition to his consulting positions, Jeff has served on the staff of the President’s Council of Economic Advisers and on the faculty of the University of Illinois where he taught graduate and undergraduate courses covering consumer demand analysis, labor economics, and statistics. Jeff earned a Ph.D. in economics from the University of Pennsylvania.